Tips to take care of your crystal stone:
1) Put the stone in a pot or any container with its sand (provided). This is to make sure the sand could keeps some excess water in it in order to provide humidity to the stone.
2) Place the stone anywhere you like but, make sure to keep the temperature of the place close to room temperature (25 Degree Celsius)
3) Do not exposes it to too much spotlight as the heat radiated from the light could hinder the crystals growth.
4) Spray smoothly the stone with some minerals water just on its surface. Do not use tap water as tap water contains chlorine that way be harmful to the stone.
5) Make sure to spray the stone at least once a week and do not spray too much water because as the same reason as a plant, it could not absorb all the water and lead to waste and make your crystal stone looks dull.
6)Don't expect the stone to grow as fast as a cabbage as its crystals need time but if you take a good care of it, it could grows as long as 4mm in just 2 weeks just like mine
7) The growth of the crystals can be equated to a bonsai tree, you can also cut and shapes it using a nail clip and if you are lucky, those crystals can look the exactly the same shape as a bonsai tree! Good Luck!